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on demand video sites Mar 16, 2020




on demand videos for moms

Working out, parenting or recovering from home requires expertise and support! With the closure of many brick and mortar studio spaces, many classes and support groups have now moved on line in an effort to continue to reach women and families during this unfamiliar time.

If you are pregnant or have a newborn, you may be especially inclined to protect yourself and your family by following the CDC guidelines and staying at home as much as possible.The good news is that many small businesses and experts are now offering their services through a video subscription site or Telehealth.


You can now find anything from a counselor to cesarean recovery exercise videos on line and available to stream anywhere and at your leisure.Receive help with your latch, get your kids moving or find a virtual new moms support group.Here are just a few to get you started! What video subscription sites do you use for parenting, exercise or support? Please let us know! We are always looking for more resources for our members and followers.


lactation link videos

Learn everything you need to know about breastfeeding from the comfort of your own home with Lactation Link.

You’re a smart mama, but breastfeeding can be tricky! And the last thing you want  as you welcome your newborn is worry about whether or not you’re making enough milk, the best ways to establish no-fuss feeding, and what to do when common problems arise (as they invariably will). This website offers essential breastfeeding courses and more for newborns.


baby blues connection support groups


The Mission of Baby Blues Connection is to provide support, information and resources to women and families coping with pregnancy and postpartum mood disorders and to the professionals who serve them.  Baby Blues Connections now offering online support groups and meet ups. If you are feeling blue, experiencing postpartum depression or just need support navigating the bumpy road that new parenting can bring, visit their site and jump in on a support group from the comfort of your own how.


Mamalates Online offers prenatal and postpartum wellness videos. Included  are videos on cesarean recovery, diastasis recti, mom and baby workouts and more. Our Essential Birth Recovery Course includes interviews with the Modern Mommy Doc, Dr. Whitney Casares and nutritionists from Alavita. Whether you have questions about safe exercise postpartum or probiotics for newborns, we have got you covered.


ils learning center


ILS Learning Strategies is awesome! They offer a plethora of resources, products and yes, VIDOES for children atypical kiddos struggling w/ADHD & Sensory Processing Challenges. If you are looking for some Occupational Therapy activities to incorporate with your toddler or child at home, you MUST check this site out! 


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